Peter Radnai | Author & Advocate
Bipolar Head: A Snapshot of Life with Bipolar Disorder
A raw and inspiring memoir that breaks the silence on mental health.
*eBook includes iBooks, PDF & ePub versions

A raw and inspiring memoir that breaks the silence on mental health.
A masterpiece of mental health literature—honest and uplifting.
Peter’s story moved me to tears and gave me hope for my own journey.
An eye-opening and inspiring read for anyone touched by bipolar disorder.
Hi, I’m Peter Radnai. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder at 31, my life has been a journey of navigating the extremes of mania and depression. Through my memoir, Bipolar Head, I aim to shed light on mental health, inspire resilience, and break the stigma surrounding bipolar disorder. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and advocacy.
Explore curated resources, including mental health organizations, tips for managing bipolar disorder, and community support groups.
© 2024 Peter Radnai. All rights reserved.